Kirstene Reyes – builder
I used to chase big out-of-town jobs, spend hours at airport terminals, ride uncomfortable school buses full of grown men to get to site, then head back to camp and sleep in a shoebox. I lived for my weeks off, bought things I thought put value to my life and myself. After I thought I had finally become “successful”, I started to ask what the word truly meant. Turns out, for me, it wasn’t a big house or a brand new car, but alignment with purpose.
Intentionally Tiny Custom Homes is intended to be a place where my passion for building can nurture creativity while allowing me to practice social responsibility, environmental stewardship, advocacy, and individual sovereignty.
Nicole Edgson – operations/service
I have been leading people for the last 25 years of my life, if you ask my Mom she will probably say even longer. Through my volunteer and work experience my purpose is to help others see their full potential in themselves and to continue growing.
I have always had a minimalist mindset between growing up in a large family and seeing the years of things that accumulate and liking simple clean architecture. Did I mention I don’t enjoy dusting? When I reflect on what truly matters to me they are not things but people, animals and experiences. I want to be able to help others see what they can have in their lives by shifting their financial spending while minimizing their environmental impact.
The last 15 years I have been working in the Financial Industry so I have seen how big decisions like how much you spend on a home can impact all areas of your life. My goal is to help you align to what matters to you most so you can have the freedom to enjoy all of what the world has to offer you.
Why we started Intentionally Tiny
Intentionally Tiny is a business that was born from our desire to use small homes as a tool to harness creativity and create a space that will allow one to have the freedom to be. We want to help people use their tiny home as an instrument of change while doing it in their own style. We want people to understand that we all have the ability and responsibility to create a fair, sustainable, and community oriented world that celebrates diversity and nonconformity.